As the title suggests



    • High dimensinoal data
    • Dimensionality Reduction Methods
    • Clustering (a discrete form of reduction)

    High Dimensional Data

    data matrix X:n*m.

    n samples as rows, m columns as observables

    How to visualize?

    • m=1: list
    • m=2: x-y plot

    Aim of dimension reduction: reduce the number of observables, while keeping relevant information.


    Ferromagnetic Ising model of a 28*28 lattice, 50,000 samples. The 1st principal component scales with the magnetization.

    500,000 DNA sites of 3,000 humans. Projections onto the first 2 principal components givees a rough map of Europe

    Fashion MNIST: 60,000 pictures of 784 (28*28) pixels. UMAP projections onto 2 dimensions

    Linear dimension reduction

    • Principal component analysis
    • Non-negative matrix factorization
    • Independent component analysis
    • Factor analysis

    Principal component analysis

    change of basis

    Aim: to find a transformation such that

    • the components are uncorrelated
    • ordered by the explained variability


    XTXX^T X is a m×mm \times m matrix. Eigen-decomposition gives (λ,W)(\lambda,W) where WW's columns are eigen vectors sorted by λ\lambda

    T=XWT = X \cdot W where TT is the score onto principal components, and TTTT^TT is diagonal

    Tr=XWrT_r = X \cdot W_r where WrW_r is a n*r matrix of the first r components

    Practice In R:

    • Iris Dataset
    • Pitures of Objects at Different Angles:
    • Swiss Roll: the transformed data almost have the same structure as the original data. This shows the limit of PCA due to linearity

    wikipedia - Nonlinear_dimensionality_reduction

    UMAP: uniform manifold approximation


    • uniformed distributeed on Riemann manifold
    • Riemann metric is locally constant
    • The manifold is locally conncected


    • models the manifold with a fuzzy topological structure
    • finds low dimensional projection of the data that has the cloest possible equivalent fuzzy topological structure

    Simplex 0-simplex: dot 1-simplex: line 2-simplex: triangle 3-simplex: 正四面体


    When the uniform distribution is not met, the result may not be what we like. To circumvent this, we need to define the local metric with the nearest neighbours.

    Finding a low dimensional representation

    • derive similar fuzzy topological representation of a low dimensional representation
    • interpret edge weight s as proba
    • minimize cross entropy

    Practice in R

    • Swiss Roll becomes a 2-d ring
    • Pictures at different angles are well seperated


    hierarchiral clustering

    • metric
    • linkage criterion / distance between clusters

    centroid base clustering (k-means)

    • pre-specify number of clusters, k
    • partition the data such that the squared distance to cluster mean position is minimal
    • Lloyd algorithm
      • start with random centers
      • assign data to neatest center
      • compute new centers

    graph based-clustering

    • graph representation of data
    • partition the data such that modularity Q is optimized
    • Q=i=1ceiiγai2,ai=j1ceijQ = \sum_{i=1}^c e_{ii}-\gamma {a_i}^2, a_i = \sum_{j-1}^c e_{ij}.
      • eije_{ij}: fraction of links between cluster i and j
      • γ\gamma: resulution


    Question: How to identify order in high-dimensinoal data?

    • dimensionality reductuon to visualize high-dimensional data and to identify macroscopic observables
    • clustering to identify discrete order in high dimensional data
    • methods to se depending on the problem at hand

    See also: