Notes during the March Meeting in 2022 Chicago

    Physical of Artificial System

    some physical learning that does not have to be in equilibrium

    Cell fate

    Xinhua Xing’s talk

    intro to differential geometry: Kamien, Rev Mod Phys 74:953 (2002)

    WeiKang Wang, in silico vector field analysis

    Waddington landscape 1957

    Joanathan Weissman Lab (WI, MIT)

    Maria’s Talk

    Boston U, Pankaj Mahta Group.

    extension of work from Lang et al PLoS comput bio (2014)

    found an order parameter, better than UMAP

    Shubham Tripathi’s talk

    miimally frustrated topology

    Glassy fluctuation ...

    proten and mRNA noise levels are Boltzmann distributed.

    spin glass: frustration

    free energy

    gene expression noise can store information


    cell types in multicellular organisms

    master regulator as order parameter

    Hopfield model

    forward and backward conditional probabilities

    Logan Carpenter

    tissue homeostasis: birth and death

    cellular Potts model

    there is Hamiltonian!

    CompuCell3D software

    cell size distribution plot is very good

    Lo’s talk


    collision during cell cycle, replication and transcription


    bacterial persistence

    CRISPER-dCas12a interference

    massive parallel assay

    Arkansas U talk

    Reversibiliy and cell division dynamics of elongated Escherichia coli cells obtained at high pressure

    a new cell division model


    continuous time Markov chain model?


    microbial colonizing and phenotypes

    Danio rerio

    virio Z20

    Louis Cortes

    IPTG indeces lac operon


    Jintao Li

    cell competition

    homeostasis pressure

    Author & Reference Session


    • significantly advance physics
    • scientifically
    • letter
      • advance in field
      • open a new
      • solve a problem
      • be of great interest

    for authors

    • identify audience
    • take-home message
    • adequate literature
    • authorship & acknowledgment
    • additional info
      • suggested reviewer
      • conflicts of interest
      • related paper
      • PRL/X: justification for suitability exclusively to


    • novel, interesting, original
    • valid and reproducible
    • well presented
    • report
      • summary
      • technical details
      • decision explained
    • report requirements
      • substantiated
      • a reasonable level of details
      • no personal/self-serving remarks
      • timeliness

    joint submissions

    updated PhySH

    K42: Network Theory and Applications to Complex Systems

    Complex Contagion: Unfolding and Control

    Adilson E. Motter, Northwest University


    whack-a-mole effect

    Physics of financial networks

    mono-layer networks: a network of ownership, a network of credit contracts between financial institutes

    multi-layer networks:

    Non-equilibrium I

    success landscape

    speed fluctuation of bacterial replisomes

    circadian clocks in natural environments

    $\dot r = \alpha r(1-\frac{r^2}{R^2})$

    $\dot \theta = \omega$


    Leypunskiy 2017, Pittayakanchit 2018

    Physics of social interactions I

    collective sensing in slime mold

    slime molds sense concentrations of fructose in environments


    • evenly distributed across the network. density be the only parameter
    • at the growing tips

    Competition for fluctuating resources reproduces statistics of species abundance over time across wide-ranging microbiotas

    consumer-resource model: species abundance is solely dependent on resource functuations

    Taylor’s law: distribution of abundance change is fit by a power law.

    “their model” coarse grained consumer-resource. can predict many kinds of , different resource competition regimes.

    Dog Congnition

    Alexandra Horowitz.

    Social play

    Predicting Nonlinear and Complex Systems with Machine Learning I

    Building Deep Learning Architectures for Physics, Chemistry, and Biology with Geometric Algebra

    finished soon after I arrived

    vector institute

    Quantum thermal machine with ML

    BraXXXX, VQE

    Finite time thermodynamics: compete between efficiency and power

    energy change between two harmonic oscillators

    differential programming, RL-like scheme

    missed the flawed thermodynamic definition

    Clarkson University: reservoir computing

    reservoir computer: a kind of neural network, for forecasting dynamical systems but most of the parameters are chosen randomly. cheap but works well.

    ESN Jaeger 2001

    classic representation theorem by WOLD theorem

    works because time soaks randomness. equivalent to logical NVAR (non-linear vector autoregression)

    enjoys universal approximation theorem, even linear with non-linear readout.

    VAR: vector autoregression

    VMA: vector moving average


    macket-glass equation as its example

    Kim’s recurrent neural programming language

    also reservoir computer.

    silicon computers represent with binary and compute sequentially.

    neural computers use continuous symbols and compute distributedly

    dRAM: dynamical random access memory

    store a reservoir into another reservoir

    another hot topic is Koopman's theory

    Learn complex fluids with rheo

    RhINNs (PhysicsINNs): inform the NN with underlying physics/rheology

    his model is called RhIGNet, and an improved “multi-fidelity RHIGNets”

    Data-driven selection of rheology-informed NN

    same group as previous one.

    model works better as it goes more complex, while data wants model to be simpler.

    we should prioritize data range over size

    ML for Robot Locomotion in Flowable Materials

    robot cars (RRP) climbing sand slopes

    Predicting Clogging

    hopper flow

    Analogical Reasoning to build Transferable Models

    model manifold: for a given data sampling method, points in parameter space can be mapped to a sampling space

    manifold boundary approximation method

    supremum principle

    Wnt signalling network

    Evidence for Griffiths Phase Criticality in Residual Neural Networks

    residual networks’ has Griffith phase, due to the design (sth. and renormalization)

    N08: Systems Far from Equilibrium

    Hopping Particles

    math heavy

    Doi representation, Jarzynski relation, Doi-Peliti field theory

    generalized fluctuation-dissipition into non-equilibrium

    no coarse graining or slow modes

    A topological fluctuation theorem

    $\Delta S_M = \frac{Q}{k_B T}n = \gamma n$

    also math heavy

    detailed TFT: symmetry of particle in vortex field is protected by topology

    TUR in Langevan processes

    TUR: thermodynamic uncertainty relation

    $\frac{var(j)}j{}\ge \frac{2}{<\Sigma>}$

    probability distribution → rate function. don’t know how

    “caveat” seems an abused word, another is “ansatz”

    reversal symmetry for cyclic paths from Notre Dame

    detailed balance implies a reversal symmetry

    expressed as Markov process: $\frac{p_i}{p_j} = \frac{l(i,j)}{l(j,i)}$

    his work is just cycles in non-equilibrium systems

    fluctuation theorem for cycle counts. PRE 2021

    emergence and breaking of duality symmetry in generalized thermodynamic relations from UNC chapel hill

    foundation of thermodynamics, statistical mechanics, can be further founded upon classical or quantum mechanics

    three times of Legendre transforms of internal energy ought to give 0, which breaks the reversibility of Legendre transform.

    T. Hill 1963: added some sub linear term

    they used mean of finite measurements

    their understanding of thermodynamics is “nothing more than theories of probability”

    Scaling of entropy under coarse graining

    entropy production rate

    in 1 dimension Derrida)

    dimension matters and data reduction may have non-trivial effects.

    Kibble-Zurek effect, quench

    phase transitions

    Discrete Non-Linear Schroedinger Equation by Federico

    phase transition again

    anormalous thermal relaxation in unimolecular chemical reactions

    Mpemba effect: hotter water freeze faster than cold water

    Perturbation spreading in a non-reciprocal classical isotropic magnet

    totally absent-minded

    Stefan-Maxwell diffusivities of gas mixtures and liqiud electrolytes from Oxford

    electrolytes, concentrated solution theory: Gibbs-Duhem relations

    very math heavy, and words too small on slides. presentation visualization not so good.

    extended DFN model

    Onager’s regression

    Q04: Non-equilibrium Thermodynamics: From Chemical Reaction Networks to Natural Selection II

    Free energy transduction, chemical reaction network

    non-linear reaction: at least second order reaction

    reactions → emergent cycles

    Scaling relations of energy dissipation rate in non-quilibrium reaction systems

    state space renormalization group

    algebra on biological structures, Caltech and Cold Spring Harbor

    second quantization, field operators in multiparticle Fock space

    classic particles in quantum language

    the operation is the Wick contraction

    decomposing, local arrow of time, interacting systems

    $\dot I = D_{KL}[P(x\rightarrow x')||P(x'\rightarrow x)]$

    “entropy production” again: Prigogine 1947, Shcnakenberg 1976, Skinner Dunkel 2021

    observe k elements in the system: interaction irreversibility $\dot I^{(k)}_{int}=\dot I^{(k)} - \dot I^{(k-1)}$

    information transmission by heterogeneous cell populations

    noise can ruin cellular info sensing

    individual cell senses better than population(?) conditional mutual information reflects this

    functional universality, microbial, thermodynamic constraints

    energy-limited vs. nutrient limited

    trade off:

    law of energy in biology; model organism being anaerobes B. theta

    PPi (pyrophorsphate) as energy source

    3D diffusion in E.coli

    Physics of social interactions II

    firefly, one research about vocabulary, one about spatiotemporal pattern

    bunblebees, SLEAP to identity action and track

    ant, fire ant, BOBbots, multi-occupancy lattice gas, rule based model→observed result

    social polarization: vector force, but how agents are embedded into this space? no answer

    HKB system, third party induced bistability, symmetry breaking “HOW”!

    Team formation: Modeling the Catalysis of Collaboration at In-Person and Virtual Conferences: Non-linear memory model, scialog dataset

    mirror game: no designated leader experts reach higher accuracy and velocities

    Granger causality analysis: not so advertised. experiment with flow switch. Presentation not so well given.

    Bacteria reshape their surroundings to enable migration: use bioprinting. different pore size in media. non-motile vs. motile. motile E.coli can escape tight pores

    Learning dynamical models across physical systems

    Learning dominant physical processes with data-driven balance models (walking)

    • obtain kinetics without markers
      • 2d median filter, viterbi filter
      • anipose: combination of 2d filters, triangulation, minimize spatiotemporal variation in limb length
    • feedback model
      • reflex model, central pattern generator
      • tune the sensor neurons with laser
      • proprioceptor model → state estimator → neural controller → (muscle model)

    KNODES to learn complex dynamics and chaos by M. Ani Hsieh from UPenn

    • ocean data
    • neural ordinary differential equation (NODE).
      • NeurIPS 6572-6583, 2018
      • knowledge embedding enabled by NODEs. Knowledge-based learning of nonlinear dynamics and chaos. Chaos vol31. 2021
      • applied to Hopf model, Stiff Can Der Pol model,
      • inferring swarming dynamics from data
      • deformable image registration
      • model predictive control that controlled drones
      • learning chaos

    physics of behaviors across scales

    large scale behavior (trajectory): variation explained by exploration-exploitation

    fine scale (posture): decompose into 5 primitive postures


    • transfer operators → slow emergent variables, subsume nonlinear to linear
    • use time series to max predict system to compensate missing d.o.f

    “hopping dynamics” again

    non-ergodic drives that prevent the dynamics from relaxing to the steady state within measurement time

    the landscape the worms seeking food is also time dependent

    ML for biomechanics

    this group’s interested is very scattered.

    first part just missed: learn macroscopic params in hydrodynamics as fields

    Unet to predict some cell protein density, identify relevant signals

    model: Oakes et al, BioPhys J 2014

    fruit fly tissue

    physics-informed machine learning again

    physics-informed machine learning: climate modeling and COVID 19 forecasting

    Unet also here. turbulent-flow net. basically a new network structure based on unet.

    group equivariance leads to another net called Scale Equ-ResNet in order to retrieve symmetry

    spatial-temporal neural p...: Baysian Active Learning

    Collective Behavior in Biology

    thermal TRP channels of vipers

    1K sensitivity of a channel; 1mK sensitivity of neurons

    independent channels, over time of several independent measurements

    hypothesis: TRPA1 channels are embedded into a dynamical system near bifurcation. activated channels activates other channels

    question: does coupling break the independence of measurements? single channel info is ~1

    growth difference in single and multicellular organisms

    expanding epithelium,when the area grows linearly, the size only ~$\sqrt{a}$, does this feedback to cells?

    cells divide at a smaller size

    lower bound of cellular size might come from genome size. CCND1labels DNA demage

    no mechanisms yet

    collective signal oscillation

    a lot of models

    key features not heard clearly. adaptive spiking

    cellular migration on substrate with topological defects

    the way they defined topology number = -1 is not as my expectation

    Francesca Serra group experiment

    not too much work

    synchrony and causality

    Bo Sun again. granger causality again

    used a famous model not written down. Sounded like Nagumo model

    living chiral crystals

    starfish embryos

    central nervous system

    gut motions and nerves in crafish

    just using 5-HT is not enough to compensate the cutting of nerve

    role of position info in collcetive gradient sensing

    Cramer-Rao bound by maximum likelihood estimation

    benchmark was called tug-of-war model

    contact inhibition of locomotion

    self-tuned criticality amplifies signals in bacterial chemotaxis

    E.coli chemosensing: high cooperativity, perfect adaptation, large noise

    symmetric spreading of CheA

    division, migration, cell signaling

    MDCK monolayer

    very biology heavy

    a low fluctuation phase

    criticality in Cochlea

    impedance = pressure/height, WKB approximation

    hair cells are the sensors, undergo Hopf bifurcation

    defining success for pairwise maximum entropy models

    mouse brain hippocampus, 2000 neurons

    in subgroups, swap 1/2 of the cells to minimize pairwise correlation coefficient

    stoichastic thermodynamics and biological and artificial info processing

    Entropy generation during computation - is it really avoidable, even in principle?

    Entropy generation during computation: Szilard’s argument

    erase and copy operation of ribonsome works like a universal turing machine.

    in theory, logically irreversible process can be thermodynamically reversible, like erasure

    statistic thermodynamics of communication channels

    MIT media lab

    $\sigma(\vec x_f)\leftrightarrow DK(P(\vec x_f)||P(\vec x))$ KL Divergence

    2 models, 3 by 3 nodes with some lines connecting some pairs, didn’ get what they mean.

    they call the thing NESS (non equilibrium steady state).

    takehome: dissipative not monotuned increasing as info transmission increases. some channel more efficient than others

    fluid intellengence: activities from learning and forgetting

    diameter variable particles as intelligent agents

    diameter function $D(\vec p)$ symmetry determines symmetry of new distribution

    policy optimization, reinforce learning to search behavior space

    nonquilibrium dynamics of temporally responsive, single molecular automation

    smart vs. inert: ability to perform temporal pattern recognition

    a polymer that has multiple foldable positions.

    dual scale master equation

    thermodynamics of biological signal propagation

    information: $lim_{T\rightarrow \infin}\frac{1}{T}\int MI(I,O)dt$

    diffusion of signal,some equations, etc, parameters include size of source and receiver


    • cells don’t talk because they are too small
    • E.coli phosphotases are close to ion channels (missed, not sure)

    dissipation-accuracy-speed tradeoffs in computation on-;attice self-assembly

    Landauer principle

    D. Woods. Nature 2019

    diamond shape 2-in2-out tiles that

    Bayesian mechanics for interacting systems

    Langevin equation

    NESS again

    wipe a bit with no energy cost by pypassing Liouville theorem

    Liouville says Halmitonian system must be incompressible in phase space

    $H_{ers} = H_0+gH_{contraction}$

    micro-canonical energy shell

    Stochastic Thermodynamics of Finite Automata

    not following, deterministic finite automata

    Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of uncertain stochastic processes

    wanted to follow but failed

    glycan, function of Golgi constrain its morphology

    also used KL divergence here.

    looks like there has been no experiment, maybe I missed it.

    Stochastic thermodynamics of anomalous diffusion generated by scaled and fractional Brownian motions

    Stochastic thermodynamics: ST

    fractional Brownian motion: fractional gaussian noise (no idea what)

    fluctuation-dissipation is broken by memory in noise

    Optimality in biological proofreading

    DNA replication error rate 10^-8 ~10^-10

    experiment K_D/K_C = 10^-2, observed error rate 10^-3~10^-4, discrepancy

    Pareto optimal fronts of kinetic proofreading

    generalized Hopfield model

    speed-dissipation trade off again

    Dynamics in Evolution


    Size→nutrition gradient→differentiation

    Multicellular yeast! T yeast


    Non-reformable→mechanical challenge

    The aspect ratio increases significantly after the size grows

    Aggregation not happening; Tangling spans the bulk

    See also: