Notes during APS March Meeting 2023 in Las Vegas
Some interesting sessions:

Network theory and application to complex systems
1st talk: Avalanches Dynamics and its critical points, cortes dynamics, very long, missed first ~10 minutes, hard to follow, coarse grained 朗道-金斯堡 theory
Fokker-Planck equation, Fourier expansions, use as parameters of ____, choose a closure to solve
Machine learning in complex systems
Fractional nn for continuous modeling of complex fluids: Caputo method for fractional derivative
Inferring forces in many-particle systems using physics tailored ml: Chinese student with Ilya from Emory. Bruckner 2021 PNAS, cell. His work, dusty plasma, non reciprocal. Mutual Interactions, with environment, linear damping. not clear details of the nn
Echo state network: Arizona state, Chinese student. A branch of reservoir learning. Switching states not always successful. Bad presentation. Don’t even know what question he is learning with this nn. Could be Lorenz system
Hopper Flow: particles passing a narrow gate in 2d. Classify problem: flow, clogging, clogged, empty arch. Direct interpretability: linear SVM.
Committer of Reactive Events in and out of equilibrium: UCB. Variational methods for time-dependent backward Kolmogorov equation. decompose rate into contributions from different degrees of freedom.
Predict Microfluid properties with ML: oil droplets into water, predict the droplet size. Monodispensed phse, poly (jetting). Pretty small network and small dataset. nice GUI
ML for inverse design of metameterial. Combinatory/Discrete, imbalance. building block → unit cell → metamaterial. Ogliomodes
Long-term behavior with liearn regression. Moody 1944 moody diagram. Studied Lorenz system. Use short trajetories to predict long term properties. Period orbit theory
Quantitative cell physiology I - shape and size
missed 1st talk for breakfast.
Beyond G1/S regulation: how cell size homeostasis is tightly controlled throughout the cell cycle?
G1/S not the main control cell size variation; CV reduces across cell cycle
rate positively correlated to size, but not exponential. this should lead to different mass density, but it is maintained tightly stable.
Cell cycle dependent growth regulation in bacteria.
data show that E. Coli cell growth is super-exponential.
model: ribonsome growth is exponential,
B. Subtilis growth rate is not monotonic
Scott, M, 2014 Mol Sys Bio
tome averaged mass function and allocation function are equivalent.
A model, but didn’t see how it’s correlated to cell-cycle
E. Coli coordination of cell dimensions to preserve macromolecular densities between compartments
shape is also important, not just dimensions.
periplasm is the region between inner and outer membrane of E. Coli. Its colume fraction scales differently with the width and length of the cell
measure periplasm density by shocking and destroying the outer membrane and measure protein amount
cell aspect ratio is relatively controlled by changing periplasm biomass fraction and average cell width. Testified in multiple mutants
Growth rate is not a control parameter
Molecular noise on cellular growth
standard model of size homeostasis: timer, adder, sizer
consider noise, get lower bound of size
Dynamic proteome trade-offs regulate cell size and growth in fluctuating nutrient conditions
growth rate and size control; in fluctuating nutritions, there is overshoot
assums: cell maximize flux; division protein co-regulated with metabolic sector
model predicts cells prioritize division over biomass accumulation durign downshift
Simulation about mechanical properties of Peptidoglycan (PG)
University of Jena, Balance of the Microverse. Very technical, very detailed
Teichoic acids as organizing center of growth in B. Subtilis
inhibiting its synthesis immediately loses the cells’ rod shape; fluorescent images are uniform across the whole cell.
perturbing synthesis causes growth rate shutdown after loss of rod shape
PonA mediated crosslinking is required for growth in the absence of wall teichoic acids
proposed a model, not quantitative, seems not testified.
coarse grained cell wall simulation
turgor pressure: 膨胀压
anisotropic deformability
surface evolver
Nanostrctural changes of Peptidoglycan
Penicillin binds enzymes with the last step of PG synthesis.
treat with mecillinam; use AFM, changes local molecule orientation & PG organization
gaps in the PG network, not orientation, caused the death
Robustness and Fragility in Yeast
Umap for metabolome data
How Type 1 Fimbriae Help E. coli Adhere to Interfaces?
What is a fimbriae in bacteria?
Thin, hairlike appendages, 1 to 20 microns in length and often occurring in large numbers, present on the cells of gram-negative bacteria, particularly Enterobacteriaceae and Neisseria.
they contruct mutants and can both adhere and swim.
ZnO kills bacteria
Hypothezes: metal ion production, generation of reactive oxide
March 7, 2023 Ecological Dynamics
Spatial drug heterogeneity: a row of multiple wells, some of them have drugs. Mean field survival criterion: , and beyond mean field (some purtubation theory borrowed from quantum to reaction diffusion equation).
Evo adaptation on cell shape by Katie
mechanical factors give same-fitness cells different growth rates in a colony. cells labels with 2 colors of fluorescence and grow in a mixed colony
mechanical forces slows down natural selection, both directions
used yeasts and grow for 10 days. select edge and center and continue growing. center still similar, but edge cells become elongated. “The elongation is a mechanism to get out of nitrogen starvation”(?)
sequenced ancester, center, and edge cells. Found 9 genes
The fate of beneficial and deleterious mutations in range expansions driven by long-range dispersal: luckiest better than fittest, spatial factors dominate.
Speciation at an expanding front: superdiffusion → stepping stone model. Want to explain how homogeneous population evolve into species→ fitness model
F13: Emerging Principles and New Developments in Non-Equilibrium Thermodynamics, Natural Selection and Chemical Reaction Networks - Nonequilibrium thermodynamics of chemical reaction networks
CRN: chemical reaction networks, and this is about
circuit theory for CRN: arxiv-2210.08035
- modules do not share internal species
- emergent cycles and effective reactions
203 cell model
Active transport and Cell self organization
A lot of microtubules

Steam flows in large cells B. Corti 1741, fruit fly oocyte
Flows in organelle positioning. Zidovska PNAS 2013, 2018. Gatlin lab U Wy
Microscopic mechanisms about micro tubules is ill understood
aLENS a living ensemble simulator
1model: Cytoplasm as confined Newtonian fluid
Another model: coarse grained stokes force: fruit fly oogenesis

Di Pierro: physical genomics
but his title is Landscapes of Genomic Architecture Across Evolution, which is not
ideal chromsome: every time 2 loci at genomic distance d come into contact there is a gain/loss of free energy
Stochastic model for cell survival and evolution
Single threshold and double threshold
metabolism and growth
Adaptability and sensitivities in gene regulation out of equilibrium
Spare able energy
Matrix tree theorem: inter alios
biofilm electric shocked
Bacteria use membrane potential to regulate bio processes: cell division, antibiotic resistance, metabolism
Electrical stimulation
Biofilm: B subtilis: motile cells and matrix forming cells
Accumulation of motile cells around electrodes
Proliferation or switch? Proliferate
Self organization waves on huge single cell living on light
external driving force main reason?
Also internal limit cycle?
CRISPER array for E. coli under antibiotic exposure
crisper cas 12-a
Beta Score , different in different media
ZnO Nano particles on bacteria in magnetic field
Gram staining
Synopsys quantumatk
ecological dynamics
design microbial community
Goal: metabolite production & degradation; pathogen inhibit
function as a design problem = f(composition)
Trivial idea: open the hood and see the interaction
Another way: borrow from molecular level: how sequences gives function
Statistical design: blue and red fluorescent proteins, separated by 13 amino acids, fit color as 13d binary
Success because landscape simple
Ecology: if one can predict function from presence absence of a strain
Absence =-1 not 0, for similarity with Frourier expansion
500 communities of 27 strains, predict production of a chemical
sampling a very small space but result good, (predict/true value diagram)
Also predicted biomass (OD)
Additive property is the key to success
Can get explained variance by the order of
Compare with Generalized Lotka-Volterra
Metabolic cascades makes landscape rugged.
connecting global patterns to ecological processes
Global soil samples
Environmental filtering cannot explain some of their data
Emerges from interactions
Mapping prediction error versus information content of coarse-grained descriptions of microbial ecosystems
Jacob moran
Framework to compare different coarse grained descriptions: partitioning, error-information diagram
To distinguish mechanisms of emergent simplicity: diversity in the partition
Materials that work by themselves
biotic and abiotic
Adaptive d spring
Pattern Formation
missed 1st talk of 30 min
Morphoelastic growth to model aortic geometry
aortic 主动脉
integrated gaussian curvature
AI/ML needs a lot of data, so they need explicit models
NHLBI: National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute
experimental on chaos in cardiac tissue
kept in Tyrode solution
action potential duration + diastolic interval = period
TISEAN (a Nonlinear Time Series Analysis tool) to get Lyapunov exponent
excitability at interface
2 bio-electric tissues, one only sodium channels, the other only potasium channels. so no spikes on their own. then shed laser on them.
A as fast variable, B as slow variable. A is x^3 shaped, whie B is -x shaped, then
can also exlpain BZ reaction with some sub-reactions separated, and lumberjack and forect and desert
light induced cortical excitability
shape control strategy in meiotic starfish oocytes.
rho protein. part of some signaling pathway, kymographs
seems to be my competitor on postdoc project in MPI-PKS
pole to pole opto-GEF accumulation aymmetry
presentation overtimed, not well delievered
Exploring regular, exotic and turbulent flow states in active fluids via the framework of Exact Coherent Structures: too fast, totally lost. Who tm knows what is shadowing
Pattern plant roots
tropism 向性: gravitropism, phototropism
roots on obstacles: skewing, coiling, waving
numerical scheme: separation of timescles, derivatives of intrinsic curvature over time, against cross section growth rate gradient.
decoupling the tropic dynamics parallel and perpendicular to the slope.
each curing given an energy, can predict transition between states
skewing is different, seen in mutants. It’s the intrinsic twist
cdc42 mobility changes yeast shape and survival
As title says
Jagged ligand improves notch signaling
Notch, delta, jagged
Synthetic biology
stochastic model SELEX
to select aptamers with highest affinity :
Optimal policy: A1 A2>>T, T>>1
Cytoplasm is organized, crowding
Crowded with macromolecules
Crowding of cell free gene expression change noise; simulations
Crowding gives attraction to membrane
Impacts transcription and translation in cell-sized vesicles
Elisa from Cornell : titrable in vivo Cre-loxP in E. coli
Somatic differentiation
Er binding site, beta estradiol
DH10B RepOrter yfp
Research in Germany
Write emails with info from website
humburg scholarship
6+2 years super generous funding enough to hire 2 postdoctoral, to early scholars
Foreigners 9 years after doctor degree has to be employed, so many leaves
University and Scores important, papers slow so not so important
140 directors, each has a way of sponsoring
Andrew Mackenzie
Go for Nobel prize, not professorship
Want to hire people with 20 yers of career left
Six months danger period, then 3 years safe
Cell fate transition
cell type order parameters
Saw last year
Order parameters:
scTop python package
Class IV da neurons Laval development
Macroscopic measurable: dendrite Densities, front velocity
Dendrite grow in stochastic manner
Mean field descriptions: grow, shrinking, stall states
master equations
Very in detail
Yale integrated graduate program in physical and engineering biology
synNotch expression in fruit fly
Delta notch: contact based intercellular signaling
Vortex based model framework
Intracellular transport and organization
super resolution
STORM, PALM, FPALM, all in 2006
Correlative live cell and super resolution microscopy
Post translation modification: Tyrosinated/detyrosinated, de- is important , sparse and stochastic
De- VASH interact with MT
Mean square displacement analysis
In vitro experiment of Microtubules
switch and detach at intersections of microtubules
diaplacement≤path length, from experiment
Kinesin-1,2,3, bidirectional transport
Different detect rate
Kinesin compete for dynesin in a tug of war
segment analysis of slow trace
MTOC, convergence and target scretion of granules
Natural killer cells
Growth of axonal caliber
Axonal neurofilament as caliber modulators
Six state model Jung and Brown 2009, Li etc 2014
intracellular drug transport in single cell
Hoechst dye to measure effenciency
alien proteomics, diffusion through nuclear pore
Nuclear pore complex
FG-nucleoporin (IDR)
Active transport vs passive diffusion
\Delta F(R)
Inject frog oocyte into E. coli
cone shaped hiv capsid through nuclear pore complex
Free energy of nuclear protein
Narrow end enter first
ER for transport Calcium ion
Ca bound to high capacity buffer proteins in ER
locally release in spikes
Reaction-diffusion model for calcium and buffer proteins
local cytoplasm concentration
in ER Lumen: proteins spread super diffusively; active runs along tubules, from single particle trajectories
altering morphology by morphogen expression: Rtn3 overexpression; Atlastin knockout
collective behavior
SPP2389- emergent function of bacterial multicellularity
Ng bacteria
flow-dirven cancer cell migration
autologous chemotaxis is a mechanis cancer cells fall onto XXX
chemotaxis vs. mechanosensing
chemotaxis fails at high cell density
motility induced phase separation of deformable cells
所谓 phase separation,就是一筐红绿豆自己分成两堆
rigid particles aggregate and sort without adhesion
2d layer of deformable active brownian particles
simulation: high deformability easier to phase separation, shorter collision time
BioPACIFIC program at UCSB and UCLA
Geometric programming of collective sensing of neural cells
Oregon State University, Chinese speaker
a cross shaped titch, with five wells at 4 tips and 1 crossing, (infinitely peridic? not sure)
flow switch of GM and ATP
longer period leads to more well synchronized nodes. edge probability pattern
Ear, hair cells tune cochlea to criticality
seems have heard last year
Bo Sun Gourp member?
Social Interaction
pretty big hall actually
The Use of Laser Speckle Spectroscopy for Subtle Detection of Infantile Ants
Geogeria tech
pixel photon intensity, not direct movies, to detect movements. also sounds like something last year.
density functional fluctuation theory to model basketball
NBA has position data every 40 ms!
50 feet x 50 feet heatmap of shots
postulates: location of ball changes player spatial tendencies, 2 types of player defense and offense

forecast a play, evaluate a position, improving a player’s positioning.
honeycomb formation under geometric frustrations
decentralized division of labour, to build honeycomb
a lot of energy cost, not always on flat plane.
3d printing to prepare substrate for bees, for data repeatability. basically they make plastic cells of different sizes, and see how bees build upon them.
geometric frustrations: shifts, tilts, sizes
forcing smaller cell size → X-ray microscopy
some ~24% of the cells are filled with wax
larger cells → tilting of wax walls, can be 3x bees’ normal honeycomb cell size
winner and loser emergence in zebrafish fights
what is a fight, what is a winner and dominance, how fights start and end.
6 pairs fo fish, 3 body points of 2 fish in 3d, experimental tracking
defining winner: post-fight position asymmetry
fight-bout micostructure to mesoscopic fight-maneuvers.
phase space:
Chimera states among synchronous fireflies
Lewis and Cratsley Annu. Rev. Entomol. 2008. temporal patterns of different species
chimera states for couples oscillators: part of the agents are synchronized, some are not, they coexist
example: unihemisphere sleep in marine mammals
South carolina, Congaree National Park
Synchronization of human networks
Moti Fridman (Bar Ilan University)

previous works deal with the case where everyone sees everyone
violin players,但是成员互相看不到对方,one control position(? why need it)
bidirectional and delay
even number of plays give checker board out-of-phase pattern
odd number gives frustration, they need to ignore one of the plays, changing the connectivity of network, glass state
unidirectional network: humans change coupling strength at will when there is no delay
Mechanics of cells and tissues
division and differential adhesion drive cell self-segregation during embryo morphogenesis
Voronoi cell model for cell monolayers
contact tension controls tissue structure
mechanosensing breast cancer spheroids
another Bo Sun group member.
to segment and track the cells in 3d: PEN projection enhanced network, on top of a Cellpose 2d neural network.
classify cell shape phenotypes with SVM
filopodia leads invasion
kinetics of cell aggregation
cell-cell contacts: Guo et al Biophysics J. 2006
cell-substrate interactions:
matrix mediated mechanical interactions, so what does matrix mean?
In biology, a matrix refers to a non-living or extracellular substance that provides structural support or serves as a medium for cellular interactions. The matrix can be made up of various components such as proteins, polysaccharides, and minerals, and it can be found in different biological contexts, such as bone, cartilage, connective tissue, and the extracellular matrix surrounding cells.
For example, in bone tissue, the extracellular matrix provides support and rigidity to the bone and is primarily composed of collagen fibers and mineralized calcium phosphate. In cartilage, the matrix is composed of collagen and proteoglycans and serves as a cushion between bones in joints. In connective tissue, the matrix provides support and allows for the exchange of nutrients and waste products between cells.
In summary, the matrix is an essential component of many biological tissues and provides structural support and a medium for cellular interactions.
epithelia tissues as hexnematic liquid cystals, and instabilities
Heager et al, J. Exp Med 2020
hexatics in a channel, momentum conservation and orientation dynamics
dispersion relation and unstabilities
very classical dynamics study, as classical as those on textbooks
Multiscale measurements of mechanical stress in 3D co-cultures using a deformable micro-device
cell level reponse to tissue level mechanical xxx
mechanic stress on each cell depends on position and neighbors; global deformation is accumulation of local stressees.
Mechanoregulation of biofilm homeostasis
EPFL, Lausanne, Switzerland
biofilm in hydrogels
size control hypotheses: mechanical, growth rate, cell death
mechanosensing of embedded spheroids and cell invasion
inserted in a fibrous network consisting of collagen, and other proteins
3d vertex models
density variation of fibroblasts near topological defects
ridges to introduce topological defects, ridge height as proxy for ridge strength
shape dependent rate of division as the mechanism
cell density changes
slicing softly with paper
paper cutting machine to use paper cutting into gels
small angle, thickness: buckling → cutting → indention
larger angle, only buckling → indention
appled stress must exceed critical threshold, but below buckling threshold
dangerous thickness: 65 microns
cardiovascular system is 1st organ system to form in a vertebrate embryo. 2 steps: vasculogenesis and angiogenesis
then totally lost
Cell shape and fate changes in 3D model of mammalian hair follicle development
3d vertex model
2 hypotheses: 1. changing cell autonomous properties; 2. extrinsic force. model 2 wins
WTH is E15.5 morphology
Lisa Manning group
Emergent chirality in active solid rotation of pancreas spheres
ChatPDF and
ChatPDF is almost unusable, there is no context, and cannot break lines. They even answered in French first The paper investigates the rotational dynamics of spherical tissues using murine pancreas-derived organoids as a model system. The study uses an active vertex model to demonstrate how the interplay between traction force and polarity alignment can account for distinct rotational dynamics. The study also investigates the emergence of chiral symmetry breaking in multicellular systems using experiments and simulations of rotating pancreas spheres. The authors propose that topological defects in the polarity field underlie the symmetry breaking. The article discusses the role of geometry in the behavior and properties of epithelial tissues, including cell division, patterning, and left-right symmetry breaking.
geometric constrains
3D上皮 collective dynamics, mouse pancres self organize into a sphere, inside filled with lumen
distinct rotational modes: rotation, rotation arrest, drift in rotation axis → mechanism?
active certex model: force balance, polarity dynamics
solid rotation, or fluid exchange of neighbors. solid body rotation fraction.
rotation axis drift is reminiscent of yielding like transition
cell shape orientation is almost stable, not a uniform random distribution when there is rotation, but uniform random without rotation
polarity dynamics: 2 types of solutions
other structures: cubodal, compact, multi-lumen: this is the proposed future direction
collective behavior
spying on bacteria in 3d
Isolated cells:
Ball pit for E. coli cells for them to tumble
Active hopping and trapping
granular hydrogel matrix supports 3d printed colonies
Collective motion, not diffusion
Consumption and chemotaxis
How to keep front together: Change initial position. Chemostatic velocity
Sensing = F(c)
multicelluarity w/ Differentiable Molecular Dynamics Simulations
machanism for regulating division
“learned params consistently yield homogeneous growth”
don’t like this project very much. which part is done by the speaker?
collective behavior of swimmers in intermediate Reynold number
model of dumbbell in fluid, 2D [torque and force] free
pair of dumbbells: puller and pusher
Chemotactic motility-induced phase separation
student of the invited speaker of this session, award winner.
motility-induced phase separation: 抖豆子抖成堆
chemotaxis: directed motion in response to chemical gradient
particle volume fraction, chemoattractant concentration,
sets up an allowed region of phase separation
Anomalous collective dynamics of dividing chemotactic agents
Chemotaxis + population dynamics
non-equilibrium continuous phase transition
some kind of reaction diffusion equations for
chemotactic interactions can alter {} near critical point
Crowds with large pressures
microscopic: Vicsek model, Helbing-Molnar model; macroscopic: mechanical spectroscopy of insect swarms, equation of state
sys behave like equilibrium: Silverberg 2013 PRL
why works? difference of time scales: relaxation time >> collision time.
agents packed: potential energt not equi-partition, but kinetic energy are.
phenotype probability distinguishes mutants from wildtype social bacteria
M. xanthus form persistent or not persistent dunes.
tension triangle
Order and anisotropic form coherent T1 that drive flow
A lot of UCSB, actually one group having 2 talks back to back
Tension isogonal decomposition
Could be applied to wing disk, neurolation,
from gene to geometry
Cells → sheet → tube → cortex
multi view confocal, Bayesian based deconvolution, deep tissue imaging
Knockout and shape differs
TubLUAR: tube like surface Lagrangian analysis resource
How gene → calcium signaling → muscle contraction → endodem strains → organ shape
plant Biology
root hair
self anchoring, 仿生根 robot, can dig into fake moon soil, for soil sampling and sensor implanting
Heterogeneous cellular growth in root
Directly connected to organismal shape
cell behavior to organisms
Discrete element simulation
Meristematic and elongation zone
Turing pattern in vegetation
Experiment: Australien fairy circles regenerated
WebGL and JavaScript
network architecture of plant pathogen interactions

Translation/degradation, xxx, xxx
Simple model. complex systems
Rockefeller U.
water solubility of hydrophobic xxx with phytoglycogen(PG) nano particles
University of Guelph, in Canada
Carotenoid solubilization strategy
OSA modification changes absorption spectra
Emergent behavior in biological systems
Emergent Spatiotemporal Communication Patterns in Insect Swarms
Chemical signaling (bees) and visual signaling (fireflies)
Worker bees scent to amplify the feromon of the queen to locate the queen
Also Happens in fed bees to locate food
Visual signals by fireflies
非线性动力学的课本居然有 synchronization, slide 和之前看过的一样
Can only see a small portions of fireflies in the wild
Controlled environment
Talking to fireflies with LED
anatomy of E. coli colony expansion
Height depends on glucose concentration
mechanical information processing by action cytoskeleton
Focal adhesion
Pretty biology heavy
Capture topological features on sparse density data
Image voxels and compare with alpha fold candidates.
Is this risky for cyclic reasoning?
protein assembly
See also: