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    Let's explain this using the directory structure provided on the official website:

    sound/ Top-level package Initialize the sound package 
        formats/ Subpackage for file format conversions 
        effects/ Subpackage for sound effects 
        filters/ Subpackage for filters 

    Using Existing Python Code

    Most programming tutorials start teaching syntax after setting up the environment. But let’s first discuss using code that’s already been written. The simplest way to do this is by installing packages through a package manager:

    pip install sound

    Then, if you want to use a function in a specific file (let's say has a function called write()), there are multiple ways to import it. Note the different ways to import and call the function:

    import sound
    from sound import formats
    from sound.formats import wavwrite
    from sound.formats.wavwrite import write

    However, not all Python code can be installed directly. For example, if a research paper is published along with data processing code, often the code is simply shared in a folder. If you download that folder and try import sound, an error will occur, stating that Python can't find a library named sound.

    How Python Locates Code Files

    If you think about it, it’s normal that an error occurs. The previous simple command import sound solved the problem magically—finding the library without needing a file path—even though libraries can be located in different parts of the file system.

    This is because Python doesn’t search the entire hard drive. Instead, it uses a variable, typically named PYTHONPATH, which holds a list of directories where Python library folders are located. When you enter a command in the terminal, Python will:

    • Search the current folder, meaning the folder where you launched the Python command.
    • Look through each folder in the PYTHONPATH variable.
    • Finally, check the default location for packages installed by the package manager, typically <path to python>/site-packages.

    If the library is found, Python will import it; otherwise, an error occurs.

    In the error mentioned above, if we happen to be in the sound folder and run Python, the first condition applies, and import sound won’t produce an error. But this won’t work in other locations.

    Terminology: Interactive, Script, Module, Package

    Executable Python commands can be found in the following contexts, with the first being interactive and the last three being file-based:

    1. interactive: The Python interactive interface, also known as calculator mode, which appears after entering python in the command line. Commands entered here display results immediately. Once Python exits, these commands are lost.
    2. script: A Python script file, like when running python from the command line.
      1. Python is lightweight, and some commands are worth saving for later reuse, much like Linux commands and bash scripts.
      2. However, as a fully-featured language, Python can also support complex object-oriented programming. In this sense, the main script file can be considered the main module, serving as the main file and program entry point.
    3. module: A Python module file, which you can call with python -m another (without a .py extension). Technically, any .py file is a module, but it’s generally used for files whose variables and functions are meant for other Python files to import.
    4. package: A Python package, which is a higher-level structure of related modules (typically a folder with inside). But packages and modules aren’t defined solely by folder hierarchy—more on that in the next section.

    Script vs. Module

    Python offers both scripting flexibility and the robustness of more complex languages. Unlike some languages, you don’t need a main file called with a Main class and a main() function. But Python still needs a starting point in a complex program.

    This starting point is the .py file after python (without the -m parameter). Python sets the __name__ attribute of this main file to "__main__". This allows Python to treat it as the main script file, even if it's part of a larger library, with no knowledge of sibling or other related modules.

    Other modules are used by importing them in the main module (or script). The import command tells Python where to find the module’s code and the relationships between modules in the package hierarchy. Alternatively, the -m option provides this structure, e.g., python -m sound.formats.wavwrite, which allows to execute and know its relative position in the hierarchy.

    Absolute Import vs. Relative Import

    The examples at the beginning use absolute imports (no leading .), whereas relative imports (. for current directory, .. for parent directory) are for internal code that's almost never run as the main module.

    Returning to the file structure above, if sound/effects/ needs functions from sound/formats/ and sound/effects/, you could write:

    # in sound/effects/
    from ..formats import wavwrite
    from . import echo

    Organizing Code for Reuse

    Finally, after years of coding, I’m drafting a paper, and now I need to organize previous analysis code into a project. Each time I tried to unify everything, import errors between modules were an issue. This post resulted from that experience.

    Here's a recommended project structure from this article:

    |- notebooks/
       |- 01-first-logical-notebook.ipynb
       |- 02-second-logical-notebook.ipynb
       |- prototype-notebook.ipynb
       |- archive/
          |- no-longer-useful.ipynb
    |- projectname/
       |- projectname/
    |- data/
       |- raw/
       |- processed/
       |- cleaned/
    |- scripts/
       |- archive/
    |- environment.yml

    This structure allows you to convert tools into an installable library. Now, you can use projectname in notebooks and scripts just like numpy or pandas.

    To use the code, install it with:

    cd projectname
    pip install -e .


    See also: