《非平衡态系统中的集体过程 (Collective processes in non-equilibrium systems)》是位于德累斯顿的马克思普朗克复杂物理研究所 (Max Planck Institute for the Physics of Complex Systems) Steffen Rulands 研究员的一门课程。
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4. How order emerges in non-equilibrium systems
uh the last couple of lectures were
technical right and uh
so we introduced uh concepts from
stochastic processes the launch of the
uh the master equation are the different
ways to describe the time evolution of
stochastic processes
and then the last lecture was pretty
tough you know so
last the last lecture we introduced a
few theory description
of these processes and probably many of
who didn't hear that before were quite
have had
quite a hard time the good news is that
we don't
use that for now we use it later in the
but for today you know we won't use that
and actually
you'll be pretty fine with school
mathematics for today's lecture
yeah so so now that we've
covered the
technical the methodology power let's go
into some physics
and try to understand how actually order
in uh complex systems and
non-equilibrium systems
yeah and share the um
here we go
slide 1
here we go now you can see my very
sophisticated slides
yeah and uh so what do we mean by order
actually what do we actually i don't
want to understand we can talk about
yeah so this lecture so there are
different kinds of order
and this lecture i'll be talking about
polar order polar order is order
of direction now so which direction are
you going which directions are polymers
which directions are spins pointing
which directions are fish swimming and
so on
now that's polar order and here you can
two examples of polar order now on the
left hand side so i took a picture from
north korea assuming that nobody from
north korea is joining
us and i'm actually not offended
offending anybody
you know so this is a thing to promote
from north korea and
you can very clearly see polar order
in these soldiers and in the face of
these soldiers yeah is that
is that the job of a physicist to
understand that
yeah probably not yeah probably this
polar order
in this picture on the left hand side
has a very
simple origin yeah and this very simple
origin is
that somebody is probably sitting there
some president or so
yeah sitting there on the left hand side
and somebody is telling them to look at
this direction
yeah and so this is not what we want to
understand as physicists yeah that's
pretty we kind of know why they're
looking in that direction
you know the tv camera would zoom out
we'll probably see somebody
important uh sitting there so that's
that's not what we mean and that's
the reason it's not self-organized
there's somebody
who tells uh these soldiers where to
and uh now compare that to the
picture on the right-hand side
you know that's also an example of polar
order there's also an example of
a flock like a bird flock and in this
bird slot
birds fly in a certain direction and
as they don't fly in random direction
but in somehow aligned directions you
can see these bird flocks
in the sky that form these patterns and
on the sky so here
you don't have a super bird sitting
somewhere and telling these birds where
to fly
now that wouldn't even if such a thing
existed it would probably not work
because the
bird here on the left-hand side wouldn't
have any chance to communicate with the
bird on the right hand side
uh while while they're flying
now so that wouldn't work anyway so here
these birds somehow form these
by local interactions they have a
interaction they communicate on very
short scales
and this gives rise to order on much
larger scales on the scale of this
entire flock here
so we're now also interested in how such
can rise how long range or very large
can arise from interactions that happen
on a very small scale
so here these birds interact on
distances of one meter or so
but the order has a scale of hundreds of
now so how is this scale reached
and although we'll be talking about
systems in this lecture uh
it's very often uh good to uh
take a look at how order actually arises
in equilibrium systems and as you
probably know many
people from biophases
theoretical biophysics for example
epidemiology and so they have a
in statistical physics or condensed
and the reason why they're pretty good
understanding apparently completely
unrelated systems
to to physical systems
is that these physical systems that can
be determined equilibrium
actually give us some intuition about
how order
arises now so let's start with a very
slide 2
equilibrium example now so probably most
of you have heard of the ising model
it's a very simple model for uh um
for a ferromagnet and uh in this icing
you have a hamiltonian you know so
energy and in this energy you just say
okay the name space you have a sum
over all neighbors of spins pairs of
neighboring spins
you know and you minimize the energy
if these neighbors are aligned in the
same direction
so now the energy favors
alignment of the spin in the same
direction but if you write down the
repetition function
yeah then you will see there's not only
energy but they're also under other
stuff that's important for example the
yeah so how and under which conditions
do these spins here that want to align
in the same direction the isaac model
when are they actually capable
of aligning in the same direction yeah
and there's a very famous argument
that was brought forward by piyo and
and this argument uh goes roughly as
also as follows i suppose you have a
completely ordered state
where all these spins go in the same
let's say they all point up now if i
some of these prints is that favorable
or non-favorable and at equilibrium
favorable means that we lower the free
yeah so in this isaac model let's look
at one
dimension we can
flip a few spins like a little block of
size l
and calculate what is the change in free
now this change in free energy
delta f is given by a component
that arises from the change in energy
and a component
that rises from a change in entropy
now that's just thermodynamics
this change in energy somehow encodes
now this change in entropy has the
temperature as a pre-factor
and this gives us the contribution of
the noise
now already by this formula you can see
that there's a competition
between these two uh forces
those are the interactions that try to
minimize the entropy
and the fluctuations that try to
maximize the second term
so we can just write that down yeah so
if you look at such a domain here
then we'll see that in one dimension we
have two boundaries
if each gives two times
this factor here yeah
and uh so that's four times j
minus kbt
and then that's the boltzmann entropy
many times can we fit
such a block into a system of size
yeah and then that's just the boltzmann
they also went uh you could just count
just count this block would fit
and minus l times
you know so we have these two
and now we go to the terminology limit
yeah that means we set n the system size
to infinity and then this thermodynamic
limit the second term will always be
than the first term now the entropy
will always be larger than the energy
yeah and this means that this is always
smaller than zero
yeah and this is probably a result that
you already know that there is no
long-range order in
the 1d ising module
for finite temperatures
yeah so only at temperature exactly
equals zero
you can have alignment of these spins
so what it says here is so
these pins still want to align yeah and
you can ask
this alignment information about these
how far can this travel through the
until the temperature destroys the
this tells you it will net it tells you
it will never make it
through the entire system you know and
it will you will never be able
to transport the uh the alignment
spins from one end of the system to the
other end of the system
now this is for one spatial dimension
and in one spatial dimension
every spin only has two neighbors so if
one neighbor changes something that will
always have
a strong effect that will always these
spins are always subject to
a lot of modes the more neighbors you
you know the less important are these
fluctuations if you have for example
in the 2d ising system you have four
or eight neighbors depending how you
define it
you know that you already from your
statistical physics sector
you know that you can get order you get
a phase transition
from a disordered state to an ordered
that is you can see here at the top
that's the ordered state where all spins
are aligned in the same way
and if you raise the temperature that
would be a critical point
where uh so let's say these both terms
from the free energy
and roughly equal strength and if you
further raise the temperature you will
see that
this the system is completely disordered
yeah take-home message here is and of
course if you go to higher
uh systems now then it's easier then
same result space transitions will be
i will become as
spins are able to average over more and
more neighbors
now so the take-home message here is
that we have this competition
between the transport of interaction
through the system add the noise
yeah and the balance between these two
uh will decide if you can have
long-range order
in such a system and although this
is a example for an acrylic from
yeah so this is actually a very powerful
thing to keep in the back of your head
now that you can get older if the
interactions that say
are stronger than several resources
that lead to perturbations or that lead
to noise
yeah so here we had a very simple time
because we have the free energy
we know where the system is evolving to
in non-equilibrium systems
we don't have this free energy we don't
know what is being optimized
and for the rest of the lecture
i will show you how we can
transport this argument by
pilots to non-equilibrium systems
slide 3
so in the first step
i want to take
i want to stay in equilibrium but i want
to take a dynamic
perspective and this dynamic
perspective uh is encoded
uh so we'll take a dynamic perspective
on an equilibrium
system and this equilibrium system
is defined on the right hand side yeah
there's an anecdote actually by one of
the people in the field
john toner and the anecdote
he used to describe this system is that
suppose you are in
a conference yeah or you are in the
entrance hall after work
in your instant institute and you are
around with a couple of people
and now you stand next to each other and
you decide where to go for dinner
and now you all have different
opinions and what you decide what to do
how you decide what to do
is you all point in a random direction
and then you change the direction you're
pointing at
depending on what your neighbors are
now you stay where you are but you point
to the directions that your neighbor
your neighbors are pointing at
yeah and this is depicted here we have
these points here that's you
deciding uh where to go for dinner and
uh so here we have that point in the
and this point in the center has an
interaction radius yeah and within this
are not this point looks around
and averages its new direction
over whatever it finds in this vicinity
in this neighborhood here
now so that's a formalized in this way
this is
so you update your new direction
by taking the average over all neighbors
over all neighbors but you also make a
now you can have some random and some
fluctuating force
that actually changes the direction
you're pointing at now so you're
basically doing like this yeah
and uh this force is as neutral yeah
this is
caution it's uncorrelated and it has
that it's uncorrelated in space and time
and it has a strength delta which we
know because when equilibrium has
something to do
with the temperature you know
fluctuation dissipation
so that's the system and now the
question is
can we come
to consensus on where to go
to dinner yeah so this system here
has a rotational symmetry yeah in this
model there's nothing
that tells you so we should go east or
west or north or south
yeah in the first place what we're now
asking is can this rotational symmetry
be broken
now can we align these arrows
all in the same direction when one
direction becomes special
or will we always have a a case where
when we average over all directions
now we don't get a clear answer where to
now and the answer to this now think
about the
last slide will depend
on the strength of the noise yeah
or the temperature you know we for
uh this delta
equals zero we can expect well there's
no other thing that's only interaction
and nothing else that stops you from
you know these pointers
in same
direction now so that's something we can
so what happens if we turn on the noise
what if we turn on the noise
so first this noise is caution
yeah so this noise is caution
and this lecture will be full of hand
waving arguments that's why i'm getting
away with school mathematics
yeah so this lecture is expansion yeah
if we look in a certain time interval
and see how this
angle will change of a certain particle
now then this follows a diffusion
delta t tata is something like
diffusion equation uh nabla squared
tata why did we get the diffusion
equation it's just like the random walks
like the brownian motion
yeah you there's nothing here in this
model that is non
uh that is out of equilibrium you're
being pushed
right in random directions yeah and you
try to align with your neighbors
and this just gives you a diffusion
equation or heat equation
yeah so we have this heat equation
and this heat equation means that we
transport information
about our angle diffusively through the
you know basically with a random like a
random walk
yeah so remember the first lecture
so we transport information diffusively
and this means we transport information
very slowly it's a very efficient way of
transporting information
and now we come up with a first
line of arguments uh that is
very powerful in statistical physics i
don't know if you
do that in statistical first physical
physics lecture
yeah but it's very intuitive what is
what is so and this is called a scaling
so what we're interested in for the rest
of this lecture is not
exact solutions of of equations yeah and
we are not interested in
pre-factors or in numbers we're just
interested in exponents
now we're interested in how things
when we go to infinity and for example
times goes to infinity how fast do we
give infinity
and this is described by exponents
yeah at this diffusion equation also has
yeah so we remember the first lecture
brownian motion
you know then we know that the typical
let's call it r
that this information travels if it's
governed by
the diffusion equation scales like
the square root of time
yeah this is uh the first uh
scaling argument in this lecture yeah so
so another way to see that
i know it's a little bit it's not it
always sounds fishy if you did it for
the first time but it's a very powerful
argument because you don't have to do
any calculations
on the left hand side here we have
something like
one over time
yeah the first derivative with time
something like 1 over time
and this here on the right hand side is
something like 1
over distance squared
yeah the left is time right is distance
squared and this is how you can get this
r scales like square root
of time well of course this is also
a basic property of
any diffusing process now that the mean
square the
standard deviation increases with the
square root of time
so this is the first step and
uh now what is r and t
now so i didn't tell you what r and t
are r and t
are some time and length scales
now for example this r
is the distance
or proportional to the distance or
scales with the distance
over which
the perturbation
delta theta
uh spreads
it's a typical length scale of then we
can't give it a number also but we're
not interested in the number
it's just the distance and one example
of such a typical distance
is the length scale over which a
perturbation spreads
yeah we can also say if you have a
conventional system
that's at the volume so we have a volume
and if the length stays with the square
root of t
then the volume scales with
time to the power of d over two
yeah so nothing really is happening here
you just have to digest
that you can do these things and you can
learn something yeah
so that's that's the only tricky thing
with these scaling arguments
at first they sound fishy yeah but
if you see the end results they make
sense and the reason
is that we're not asking quantitative
questions we're asking questions of
scaling behavior
how do things scale with in relation to
each other
how do they change in relation to each
other and here this means
length scales and
time scales scale in this way
because they are defined by a diffusion
that's how to read these things
slide 4
and now we go on with school mathematics
now let's go on with school mathematics
now we just plug things into each other
we can calculate different things the
first the error
on color
per pointer
yeah and that's what we call
delta teta and this scales like now we
leave away any prefectures or anything
delta theta i over
the volume
now we have to divide by volume yeah and
this goes with t to the minus
t over two
and now we can ask how many errors or
how many of these
fluctuations in the wrong direction do
we have her volume
yeah number
of perturbations
in volume
v we call that n
and this scales like the time
to the power of the volume now the
volume tells you how many
particles do i have how many pointers do
i have
at the time tells you how long you're
yeah it's a very trivial relationship
yeah and then we just plug this in
and we get t to the d over two
now what is now the typical
scale of a fluctuation
now we have central limit theory we have
fluctuations summing
many fluctuations
we find that we have a typical size
now of these fluctuations
that goes with the square root of n
now that's just the same central limits
theorem now there will be some
prefectures will be all kind of
complicated things but we know
it will because of the central limits
the theorem stay with the square root of
n and this
scales with again leaving away any
t times time times volume
no this is the central limit theorem
and now we can
look at a certain region in space
and ask how is the single pointer
by this fluctuation by this omega
now density
a pointer now the density
and then we take this capsule omega
and divide it by the volume
yeah and this looks
goes like time over
if you just plug us in time of volume
again just plugging in r to the power of
minus one minus d over
slide 5
know what does it
mean now for large distances
yeah how does our so we have look
so we have a homogeneous system
we you know all are looking suppose
we're all looking in the same direction
yeah think about the icing model in the
first slide
all spins are pointing in the same
direction all people
are looking pointing in the same
direction yeah now
somebody turns around and shows
somewhere else
yeah so that's an error or that's a
that's one of these perturbations that
we had on the first slide
you know where we introduced these wrong
spins and see
and saw whether they changed the free
now here we do the same thing we turn
somebody around
and ask whether this turning around of
this person
will destabilize the entire system
and it will destabilize the entire
system if this information
of somebody turning around propagates
through the entire system
and now we can see also we are
in this r to infinity
so this goes to zero
for d larger than two
now this propagation this this uh this
um this error this fluctuation
decays with the with the distance
yeah it will at some point it will
vanish so in d larger than two
we can't have the order now we can
arrange in the same direction
this goes to infinity
for d smaller than two
you know for d smaller than two
uh this goes to infinity and we cannot
have any order
now because somebody turns around and it
destabilizes the entire system
you know so this error here
will increase and become infinity
will go into the entire system and then
for d
equals two we actually have to do some
then we see that this depends on the
system size
but this also then goes to infinity
so what does this mean what have you
learned so this was an equilibrium
there was nothing that was out of
equilibrium and actually this system is
more or less equivalent
to the xy model you know so we have
spins at the plane
you know and they turn at an angle and
you see whether you have enough
the xy model in statistical physics
and we've seen that for
d larger than the following dimension
larger than two
we can have long range order
because these fluctuations all these
errors are introduced
they decay or they become small
for d equals two or smaller
these fluctuations or these
perturbations are perturbed somewhere i
have a little
noise that this will immediately spread
and destabilize our order
any long-range order is destroyed four
equal or smaller than two and that's
actually here
a manifestation of the mermain
wagner theorem from equilibrium
statistical physics
which tells you that you have a system
described by some hamiltonian
and you have a continuous symmetry
now that means that continuous symmetry
means that unlike in the izing model
where you can decide between plus one or
minus one
in a continuous symmetry you can change
your state
continuously right and can take a real
like in this case here an angle
yeah so if you have a system and
two or less dimensions that is in
equilibrium and that has some
short range interactions then uh
the symmetries cannot be broken so that
means that there cannot be
any order and the reason for this is if
you remember a statistical physics
lecture is that
with very minimal energy cost you can
these directions very slightly and very
through the entire system yeah and
by this you can break you can destroy
any order
with very minimal energy deconsumption
if neighboring spins
just or if neighboring pointers just
differ by a small
amount yeah and this is called a
goldstone mode
now that destroys the order in these
well of course in these systems many
other things can happen you think about
custom and stylus you can have
topological order you cannot have an
average spin
but you can have structures of vortices
and quantity systems
happening but here in equilibrium
again the message if we ask how
fluctuation how an error progresses
throughout the system now is it
does it decay now is it repressed or
does it grow
that tells us something about whether or
long-range order can exist yeah whether
all of these pointers can point in the
same direction
yeah this is formalized in the mermaid
partner theory
just to emphasize that this is the same
idea that we had in the first slide
here in the piles argument in the ising
we introduced a perturbation here
and then we didn't look at this
dynamically but statically
also we asked is this perturbation
actually favorable
or not if it's favorable you have these
motivations all the time and this
motivation will actually survive
in the long term it was the same
but because we are here in equilibrium
we can have
a very elegant formulation of the free
and now with these pointers
so we could have of course made a
similar easy argument
but we went to the dynamic direction to
see how things spread over time and in
uh because of course this is this this
is where we'll be heading
now in the next step when we go to out
of equilibrium
slide 6
okay so how can we go out of equilibrium
now how can we not be in equilibrium
the way we can do that is by making
the particles move yeah so and remember
we had that in the very first lecture as
well with these active brownian
with this bacterium and this bacterium
consuming energy and it was turning this
into kinetic energy taking up chemical
and was uh and turn it into the kinetic
and using this kinetic energy it was
or would just that propel flipped
you know that they were pointing out of
this bacteria and that would make the
material move
ballistically through the system
yeah and but that was a single bacterium
here we're now looking at how these
behave to say if you put many of them
into the same system
and one of the first people uh
who was looking at these kind of systems
was called thomas mischeck and
he defined a model
with very few ingredients actually yeah
so the first ingredient is that your
self-repulsion now that you have
this bacteria and this bacteria
they move if nothing happens they move
and at the same direction and this
already tells us
this already tells us that the system is
out of equilibrium
because you necessarily break the
fluctuation dissipation
then these particles interact and they
by following their neighbors
and that's exactly the same thing as the
pointers in the previous case
and these interactions are as previously
short range
now which means that they
have a limited distance
over which they're interacting and
typically called are not
you see but also in this picture on the
top right here
now so you have a circumference around
the particle
and what you then do is you average your
over all particles that are in your
so now
we also have errors now so we're not
taking exactly the average direction
but the average direction plus some
error that we make
plus plus some fluctuation plus some
fluctuating force
that we can't predict yeah so then we
have noise
and that means as before that
you can formalize this that as the next
time step
you take the direction that is the
overall your neighbors
now and then you have some noise
atta of t
so and then last you again also have
rotational symmetry
and this rotational symmetry again means
yeah that you there's no
a priori direction in which
uh these particles move yeah so if
nothing happens if you didn't have any
or if you were on the microscopic level
if you pick a random particle
then you would expect it to move also in
a random direction
yeah and now we ask again
can this rotational symmetry
be broken yeah so if you write down we
have some equations
there's nothing that points out with a
certain direction now there's not no
north or east in the equations or in the
but can we have a preferred direction
on the macroscopic scale the average of
all particles
slide 7
so this looks like very much
like uh the system we had on the
previous slides the equilibrium system
the only difference
is that these particles are moving so
what does it
actually mean that they are moving what
is actually the essence of that
now so if it were all moving together
with each other you could just go
into a reference frame and then you
would be back in the original
system in the equilibrium system
but what is happening here is not only
that they're moving but because they're
they're changing their neighbors all the
you know so you remember in the previous
we had uh you have your neighbors yeah
and then you do something you align
and then this alignment information or
your angle information
is transported diffusively
to your name over your neighbors
through the system now your neighbors
and because your neighbors change all
the time also the information in which
direction you're going
is propagated in different ways
and that's actually all the magic
now as a first step let me just show you
that you can actually describe the
in the kind of equations that we were
looking at in the previous slides
in the previous lectures so this is the
stochastic differential equation
that describes the dynamics
and the way so so we won't go in we
don't use it here
i just wanted to point out that first
such an equation is this
and also the way you can derive it
so what you do is basically you go
from particles to fields now that means
you zoom out
you're only interested in resolving slow
changes in the densities and direction
and that's always
the assumption that you make if you're
going through a field
and in this if you do that
then you just write down all possible
that are in agreement with the basic
of the microscopic rules that describe
the dynamics of the previous slides
then you get tons of different terms
yeah that are in agreement
and what you then do is that you reason
which terms are
actually important and you can do then
arguments from
renamorization group theory for example
is the term
actually important to understand these
exponents or not
you can make other arguments and
this is how you derive these equations
another way to derive these equations by
starting from a microscopic theory
you know by really with some hamiltonian
or so
osman equations and then derive
in a very lengthy calculation derive
equations that you see here now so this
equation that you see here has a time
derivative of the velocity
then here is a convection term
now things that flow in some direction
of the flow here
uh and then here you have a potential
for the velocity that looks like this is
the typical
the typical potential that you assume
here there's no
underlying microscopic reason for this
and this potential just says that the
average velocity
should go to some kind of minimum so
that these particles in the end
all have some similar average velocity
that's what newton's for you have a term
that depends on the pressure
now you want to punish particles all
being on the same position
and then you have your terms that
also come in that also have some
not so intuitive meanings but if you
are in um i have a background in
hydrodynamics for example
you see here a term that a prefected
describes about viscosity and this would
be a sheer viscosity
and this equation overall looks also
like the nadia stokes equation
now so it looks a little bit like the
navier-stokes equation
and then you have here the fluctuating
that is a gaussian and null and
and you have an additional equation on
the bottom that describes that the
can only change if you take particles
from another cis
part of the system so that the mass of
the system is actually conserved
and these particles cannot disappear
into nowhere
i just want to tell you that you could
now take
uh the tools that we derived in the last
in the last lectures and derive the
field theory from that
or to derive uh uh to do renormalization
of that something that we do in
december and then you'll get to very
similar results and i'll show you now
for the rest of the
lecture now we won't do that here now so
slide 8
what we will do is we'll take the same
sloppy but very powerful approach as
as in the beginning of this lecture
we'll look at scaling
arguments now before we do that let's
quickly have a look at such a simulation
of such a system
now between this noise parameter
here's a 2d system yeah and we tune this
noise parameter
on the left hand side if we have a very
low value of this noise
you can see that these arrows all point
more or less in the same direction
so we have polar order all this
all this rotational symmetry is broken
they're all going the same direction if
we have stronger noise on the right hand
side then all particles
are moving in different directions now
moving in random directions and if you
average over these directions
then the average will be zero
if your system is large enough
so this looks like so we just had the
mermaid rockner theory
that in it that tells us that in
equilibrium systems
you cannot have such order now you
cannot have alignment of these
because perturbations or if somebody
makes an error
will grow and travel through the entire
system and destabilize everything
apparently here in these kind of systems
you have a way of transporting
the alignment information in different
ways now as we now see
how these particles manage to talk to
each other
over long distances through the entire
without this information about alignment
being destroyed
by noise
slide 9
to begin now let's look at the situation
on the right hand side
yeah we look at uh
again these perturbations in these
angles think about the piles argument
for example
now in the first slide we protect the
system and we look like
how this perturbation travels through
the system
another way to look at this is to look
at a domain
of at the reverse question is how
actually not the perturbation
now the error propagates but how the
propagates and this is described
by this w uh w's here
where we say okay so we have here the
we have a particle that's moving in some
suppose it's locally aligned suppose
these particles are locally
going in the same direction now
then this region here of correlates this
of particles that are going in the same
direction roughly the same direction
now that has a size that is
to the direction of the center of mass
here and that has a size
that is parallel to it
now unfortunately i took a circle here
and i drew a circle
but of course the point is that these
directions can be different
and they will be different so the
alternative question is how do
does the information about alignment
through the system
okay so let's first say
so suppose that there is a particle and
and now we have a perturbation yeah
somebody changes the angle because all
of these particles are moving
if you change the angle they will be
moving into different directions
yeah and that means
they get separated over time and the
we can write down in these two
directions parallel and perpendicular
to the direction of motion of the center
of mass
so the perpendicular direction is given
by some
velocity times time
and of course the angle that's the sine
of delta
teta yeah that is the deviation
in the angle
now the parallel direction just the
geometric arguments
is 1 minus cosine of
delta this is the delta theta
now it's the cosine of delta tether and
now we can tailor expand this
and then this will scale like t times
delta theta taylor expands the
cosine and sine and the lowest order in
the cosine
is theta squared
and now so this is the first scaling
relationship and now we do
the same thing as before we plug these
into each other all the time until we
have the exponent
that we want to know so next step would
to look at these w's here
now so that means that we'll be looking
at the propagation
of information
in a volume
v that scales like
yeah that is made of these omegas these
are these w's
the perpendicular direction to the power
of d minus one
dimension times the parallel direction
all right so you have this red blob here
some typical
size and then if you make this a volume
but you have one parallel direction and
d minus one
perpendicular directions
now and now we look at how these w's
now these w's scale
with delta x perpendicular
plus some number of spreading
times the square root of t now that then
this number we just call
d perpendicular
and i can imagine that many of you are
not angry that you don't know what is
deep perpendicular
but that's not the point you have is all
these pre-factors and so they were all
they're not interesting to us it's just
a number
and we have to write it down because
it's in this uh
sum here now it's something
you know and then we just plug this in
that's t delta tata
plus the perpendicular square root of
and now we define this
as t to the gamma
perpendicular now what just happened
we wrote down this stuff here
and we say that you have this delta teta
you have the perpendicular you have this
one you have all these components here
in the long times and over long
this has some effective exponent
gamma perpendicular
yeah this is the definition of this
exponent and that's what i use this sign
now let's look at w
now this will be x parallel
same thing plus the parallel square root
of t
now this scale is like t
plugging just in plus the parallel
square root of t and i defined that
for long times and long distances this
goes with time to the power of gamma
parallel again
gamma parallel is an exponent that we
want to know
so gamma parallel and gamma
are the exponents that describe how
these w's on the left-hand side
how these w's on the left-hand side
over long times do they grow do they
do they are diffusive or what yeah so
that's what
what's in these gammas here
and in the end we will calculate these
gammas here
and uh we will want to find an
now let's call these equations
1 and 2. we'll use them later
and now we look at the density of
fluctuations again
now this delta tata
yeah and this like last time
goes with time times volume
over volume now that's what we use
already in the
pointer whether the static model the
equilibrium model
and this i'm just plugging in square
root of time
over square root of volume
and again plugging in square root of
over now plug in the volume
omega perpendicular d minus 1
omega parallel and this we define to be
third exponent t
to the gamma you know this is our third
now we have all these relationships here
the answer for for uh for the gammas
connecting the gammas with something on
the left hand side
and again these relationships here these
different exponent describe different
that the first two the w's they describe
how order propagates you know how this
how this domain grows or shrinks
and what you can see already is that it
will grow or shrink
differently in the parallel and the
and in the parallel direction yeah and
this density of fluctuation here
fluctuations that describes let's say
the opposite thing like the last time
uh how does an error like a perturbation
spin that you slip in some other
direction how does this propagate
through the entire system
it now we do
slide 10
some algebra now we just plug these in
to get the exponents now we have three
three exponents and what we now do is we
okay t to the power of one plus gamma
plus the perpendicular
times t to the power of 1 over 2
square root scales like
t to the power of
gamma perpendicular
yeah and from this we can already learn
that for long times
this gamma perpendicular will either be
given by the left hand side yeah
i've either be given by this or by this
depending on what is larger
so this is max
of one plus gamma one half
and we can do this uh the other thing
um we can do the other thing
also here okay so second equation
t to the power of 1 plus 2 gamma
plus the parallel times t
1 over 2 is scales like
t to the power of gamma parallel
and therefore gamma parallel
is whatever whichever term on the left
hand side
dominates for large values of t
so that means that this is the maximum
of 1 plus 2 gamma
and 1 half and now we have our third
our third equation is
t to the power of one half times just
plugging in
t to the power of minus gamma
perpendicular d minus one over 2
t to the power of minus gamma
parallel over 2 and this case like
t to the gamma and therefore
we get that solving
for gamma 2 gamma is equal to
1 minus gamma
perpendicular d minus 1
minus gamma parallel
yeah i just count the exponents yeah
okay now i counted the exponents and now
i can take these three
equations here and solve them we have
three equations
three unknowns i can just solve them and
i'll just tell you the results now it's
school mathematics so that's
one half minus four times dimension
one-half half
so in high dimensions
information about
order about interactions or about
is transported in a very inefficient way
this is this one here and if we go to
higher dimension
if we go to lower dimensions and we have
the case that you see here that is
another condition
for where we solve this these equations
now this gives us conditions that we
have to distinguish
there are seven over three smaller than
d smaller than four
um then we get
three minus two d
over two d
plus one yeah this will be one half
and this will be
five over two
d plus one no and this is
the case that we have when we have um
okay so what we see here already
in this case is that now in the
perpendicular direction
in this perpendicular direction this
is actually larger than one half so that
means we he
that means we have super diffusion now
in other words
perpendicular to the average direction
in the block perpendicular to that
information about alignment is
transported very efficiently
it's transported convectively it's not
diffusion you don't have to talk to all
of your neighbors you undergo one by one
but it's
like it's like convectively it flows
through the system
super diffusive
of orientation
information yeah this is actually
turns out to be a convective
process now that that this information
and not just diffuses now and then we
have the last case
yeah d smaller as sorry
it's already here the last case is
one minus d over d plus
five minus d over
d plus three and four
over d plus
three yeah in this case
actually the alignment information
is transported super diffusively so very
both in the parallel direction to the
and in the perpendicular direction and
all of these exponent this cases here
this exponent is smaller than zero
now as long as b is larger than one
larger than one dimensions
and that means we can expect to have
long range order
yeah and now i have to tell you
something i mean these arguments here
i don't know if you find that easier
than the plain mathematics we did in the
last few lectures
mathematically they're much easier but
you have to swallow set the spirit
of these arguments at some point and
this is very difficult
to follow i imagine now that you can
come up with here
these kind of things and do them one
after each other and it somehow works
every every individual that seems a
little bit fishy
no but because you're only interested
in exponents now we're only interested
in these gammas here
and only at very large times yeah from t
to infinity
only this is the reason why these
arguments work so well
and only for these simulations for the
physical situations they work well
and we can actually do that and just
neglect almost everything and just take
the highest
order contributions all the time
okay so now i have to tell you another
thing so you can do the same
arguments vigorously mathematically
using field theory here
using renormalization and then you'll
actually find that
this situation is more complex than i
uh made you believe here these puzzles
are slightly different
and that in higher dimensions the
difference between higher
lower dimensions it's more subtle than i
may think here
but for to get a qualitative idea
of how order is established in these
non-equilibrium systems uh it works very
and it is an analogy to the icing
system that i showed you in the building
you asked what happens to motivation
how does a perturbation like an error
spread in the system
and how does a properly aligned
domain spread in the system now the
information about alignment
this is what we've been looking here and
slide 11
just to summarize i think that the point
that we get so i told you there's no
general theory about how order is
established in non-equivalent systems
but the point we get here is the
now it says the two forces
that determine whether you have order or
not and these are interactions
and noise and
the balance between these two will
decide how internet interaction
how far interaction information can
propagate through the system
and whether you're able to establish to
between a large number of
elements and make them align in the same
so what we need is that these
perturbations or these fluctuations
these errors
that it should decay sufficiently fast
vice versa this information on alignment
now this communicating your direction
should uh propagate fast enough or far
now in equilibrium we've seen that you
have a fixed number of neighbors
and if you have that then you share
information in a very slow way
diffusively and
then in equilibrium you're not able to
arrange long
long range order because you can always
destabilize it very easily
out of equilibrium our neighbors can
change now we're not only
not always surrounded by the same
neighbors but if we have
little anger to our neighbors then this
neighbor transports our alignment
information to other parts of the system
and this is most prominent at a
perpendicular direction to where we're
and this alignment information cannot
only flow
diffusively like in these equilibrium
systems but because we have now this
non-equilibrium component the active
of these particles it can be transported
convectively that means it can flow
through the entire system uh like a
process yeah and with this uh these
these non-equilibrium systems order can
and be can emerge although in similar
systems you cannot
have long-range order due to the merman
world theory
okay great so i hope i helped we got a
idea so so because we don't have a
rigorous theory of
everything in non-equilibrium system i
think the important
point is to get into intuition
with simple arguments about how order
can emerge and what are the components
that are competing with each other
that decide in in the end whether you
get order or not
and this idea that we had at the
beginning about the piles argument is
actually a very powerful idea that is
very useful
even when thinking about non-equilibrium
so with this i'm done for today
and uh
see you all next time so i think i think
i think some of you might have some
regarding the uh scaling arguments
so if you have some questions of what we
can do is that
i can send you some papers or just send
me an email and send you some
some papers or some some some text of
where these
arguments are done in detail
and uh so that you can use get used to
them and that you can see
how they actually work really and why
they work
you know and um the mathematics behind
these arguments
is actually as you've seen in school
you know if you can have an exponent of
something you already know but
you know enough mathematics for this
okay thanks a lot so i'll stay online in
case there are questions
and i think there's at least one
questions about by matthew
and for the rest of you see you all next
week yeah and sorry to those who i
did reply to an email yes i was had a
very busy inbox this week