What is TypeScript:

  • static types
  • types from 3rd parties can be added with type definition

Dynamic vs Static types

  • dynamic: types associated with run-time values, and not explicitly in code
  • static: explicitly assign types

Pros and Cons

  • pros: more robust, debug, predictability
  • cons: more codes to write, requires compilation, not true typing


  • .ts or .tsx extension
  • TSC is used
  • tsconfig.json

Hands on


sudo npm i -g typescript
tsc -v
touch index.ts
let id: number = 5 
id = `5` // error
tsc index
tsc -- watch index
tsc --init # produces tsconfig.json
	"outDir": "./dist",
	"rootDir": "/src"


let id: number = 5
let company: string = "Media"
let isPublished: boolean = true
let x: any = "hello"
x = true // no errors

// array
let ids: number[] = [1,2,3,4,5]
ids.push("hello") // error

let arr: any[] = [1, true, 'hello']

let person: [number, string, boolean] = [1, 'Brad', true]

// tuple array
let employee: [number, string][]
employee = [
	[1, 'Brad'],
	[2, 'Sam']

// union
let pid: string | number = 22

// enum
enum Direction1 {
	Up, // default is 0

enum Direction2 {
	Up   = "Up", // default is 0
	Down = "Down",
	Left = "Left",
	Right= "Right"

const user: {
	id: number,
	name: string
} = {
	id: 1,
	name: 'John'

type User = {
	id: number,
	name: string

const user: User

// type assertion
let cid: any = 1
let customerId = <number>cid
let customerId = cid as number


function addNum(x: number,y: number): number {
	return x+y

function log(message: number | string): void {


interface UserInterface {
	readonly id: number,
	name: string,
	age?: number // optional property
	register(): string
const user1: UserInterface = {
	id: 1, // error , read only
name: "brad"

interfce MathFunc {
	(x: number, y: number): number

const add: MathFunc = (x: number, y: number): number => x+y


class Person implements UserInterface{
	private id: number	 // within the class
	protected name: string // within class or extended classes
	salary: number

	constructor(id: number, name: string) {
		this.id = id
		this.name = name
	register() {
		return `${this.name} is registered.`

const brad = new Person(1,'Brad')


class Employee extends Person {
	position: string

	constructor(id: number, name: string, position: string) {
		this.position = position
const emp = new Employee(3,"Shawn","developer")


function getArray(items: any[]): any[] {
	return new Array().concat(items)
let numArray = getArray([1,2,3,4])
let strArray = getArray(['a','b','c','d'])

numArray.push('hello') // no error, but not what we want

function getArray<T>(items: T[]): T[] {
	return new Array().concat(items)
let numArray = getArray<number>([1,2,3,4])
numArray.push('hello') // error

With React

npx create-react-app . --template typescript
npm start
touch header.tsx
export interface Props{
	title: string
	color?: string
const Header = (props: Props) => {
	return (
		  {% raw %}
			<h1 style={{ color: prps.color ? props.color: "blue" }}>
		  {% endraw %}